
Our Story

The idea for the Gallery of Walking Art all started while I was sitting next to one of my childhood friends, Ally. We were sitting on the couch, hanging out, when I noticed a painting on her wall that caught my eye. I was immediately drawn into the top portion, which was as dark as smoke. As I began to explore the rest of the painting, I encountered a transition into a mix of red and blood orange like fire was bursting from the smoke. From the vibrant red and orange, there was a cool blue emerged, which gently fell onto a these brown rolling hills, which seemed to go on forever. The more I stared at this painting the more I realized it how many different possibilities this painting had.

As conversation continued, I kept having this thought in the back of my mind of what the artist wanted people to see his piece of art and came to the conclusion that the person who created it is the only one who truly knows what the painting should be is the artist. I began to understand it all depends on your perception of every situation we encounter that makes us who we are as individuals. The more I thought about this the more I began to appreciate life more.

I decided if this one painting could bring me so much happiness why can’t everyone’s art. I want to reach the far parts of the world to bring everyone and anyone’s art to the masses, while also rewarding the artist for the endeavors and heartache that was needed to put their masterpiece together.

To make the story even sweeter, the shirts will be run in limited series that span a couple months, making their art not only available to the masses but COLLECTIBLE!!! Each series will have multiple artists with no boundaries for possibility. I, along with my Partner Jeremy, want to make the Gallery of Walking Art the largest public art display in the World and only YOU can help us make that happen! The World will be your Museum!

Our Artists